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  • Thursday, February 16th
  • 9pm EST
  • Prelaunch Webinar



  • Friday, February 17th
  • 11am EST
  • Launch Date

Mark Your Calendars For The Biggest Video Launch Of 2017!

Prelaunch contest starts from Saturday, February 11th, 2017

*The more leads you send the more money you make. $50 for every 100 leads you send!

* All leads will be cookied with your affiliate ID during the pre-launch webinar we are doing on Feb 16, 9PM EST (day before launch). All sales we close there will be counted towards the leaderbaord and ensures you earn massive commissions!

* More DAILY contests + Surprise contests to be announced!

We will announce the winners on February 24th and prizes will be distributed by February 26th.

Join The JV List For Leaderboard Updates, Promos, & More

Get INSTANT COMMISSIONS - Straight To Your Paypal Account Through JVZoo.com

Click Here For Your Affiliate Link

To be approved for instant commission, you must have at least 50+ sales.  If you have less than 10 sales, please be sure to contact us to share more about your promotion at toddgross (skype).

Join Us On Friday, February 17...

Get In Touch With Us…

Skype: toddgross

Skype: Paulponna